Aperture is a top quality, masonry-based tumblr theme with responsive header image slider. This theme will be perfect for photographers and artists.
Be creative! Build your own portfolio!
More grid-based tumblr themes
Theme Features:
- All post types
- Full Width Header with Slider
- Infinite scrolling support
- Author Sidebar
- Advanced theme options
- Fully responsive and retina ready.
- Instagram, Dribbble & Flickr Feed
- Disqus Comments & Google Analytics Integration
- Submissions & Ask Ready
- Great support
- Online documentation
If you want to feature any of your posts you only add “featured” tag
(this post will be 2x bigger)
So simple.
- jQuery https://jquery.com/
- Google Fonts https://www.google.com/fonts
- Font Awesome https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- jribbble https://jribbble.com/
- jQInstaPics https://projects.craftedpixelz.co.uk/jqinstapics/
- Flickr Feeds Reader https://www.zazar.net/developers/jquery/zflickrfeed/
” data-src=”https://camo.envatousercontent.com/b48420aeacdb02d25affabb2e487ed570a1a0d0e/687474703a2f2f7777772e726f7365612e696f2f5468656d65466f726573742f7072656d69756d5f74756d626c725f7468656d65732e6a7067″>