[Nulled] Bevan – Barber Salon Bootstrap 4 HTML Template - 22897417 - Nulled Templates
HTML Template

Bevan – Barber Salon Bootstrap 4 HTML Template – 22897417


Bevan – Barber Salon HTML Template is a minimal, colorful and perfect website template that you can use for building a barber or hair salon website. “Bevan” is a smooth and colorful HTML Template, perfect suitable. If you are running a barbershop and want to expand the reach of your brand or want to show people the kinds of haircuts or hairstyles that you can provide, build a website for your barbershop or hair salon using this template.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user Page Contact form here. Thank you so much!

If you like my template, please please please rate it 5 stars. Thanks!

Template Features

  1. 41 Fully Layered HTML files
  2. 04 Homepages Layout Style
  3. Bootstrap 4+
  4. Full width: 1920px.
  5. Fully Responsive Template
  6. HTML5 Valid Pages(CSS3
  7. W3C Valid HTML Code
  8. nice JQuery files: Responsive Slider, Preloader, Menu
  9. Active and Hover Options
  10. Super Clear and Clean Layout
  11. Well Organized layers makes it very easy to update
  12. Fully Clear and Clean Design.
  13. Free Google Fonts.
  14. awesome icons Fonts.
  15. 100% Support
  16. And Many more ….

HTML Files Included

  1. Homepage 3+
  2. About 1+
  3. Service 2+
  4. Shop Page 7+
  5. Single Shop 3+
  6. Cart Page 1+
  7. Checkout Page 1+
  8. Team 2+
  9. Gallery 3+
  10. Login and Register 3+
  11. Pricing 2+
  12. Partner 1+
  13. Locator 1+
  14. Comming Soon 1+
  15. Faq 1+
  16. 404 Error 1+
  17. Blog 3+
  18. Single Blog 1+
  19. Contact 1+

Fonts Used

Sources and Credits

Icons Used

All images in the screen shots are for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package.
