Brex is a Parallax One Page Template is a perfect template for Business Startups, web studio and creative agencies. Responsive based on Bootstrap. This is one page for placing your information. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize.
- Based on Bootstrap Latest Version
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- 100% Responsive
- Easy to Customize
- Valid HTML5
- SEO optimized
- Minimal and Clean
- HTML CSS JS Included\
- Free Google Fonts.
- All files are well commented
- Well Documentation
- Free Updates
- Displays well in all modern browsers and devices
File Include
- Brex Light
- Brex Dark
- Documentation
Sources and Credits
- jQuery
- bootstrap
- isotope.pkgd
- Animate headlines.js
- count up js
- Dosis – from google fonts
- Font Awesome 4