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SJ Financial III – Professional Finance, Corporate and Business Joomla Template
SJ Financial III is a simple, clean and powerful Joomla template that is built to fit for financial related website like Financial News, Magazine, Financial Firms, Business, Blog and much more. This news, magazine Joomla template comes supports lots of real world features that a financial related site required: World Market Statistics, Quotes Lookup, Stock Exchange…
Based on latest YT Framework and YT Shortcode, SJ Financial III is fully responsive and customizable with flexible features, easy-to-use backend. Moreover, SJ Financial III applies the latest web technologies: Bootstrap 3, HTML5, CSS3, LESS …
SJ Financial III comes with a clean and professional homepage design that well fits any financial magazine, blog or small financial firms.
YT Framework makes it very simple for you to build, customize and handle your own website with a wide range of easy tasking feature.
SJ Financial III is a responsive Joomla theme that it will bring to customers a great look on any devices: PC, mobile, ipad… or any screen resolutions. Let experience it!
This financial magazine Joomla template provides a various market information that a financial website needed. It provides an overview on the world market , a stock exchange rate search tool as well as currencies convert rate. All these data are AUTOMATICALLY UPDATED via Yahoo data.
With mega menu you can show categories and news with description, image, video, effects… or even add links to any page, static blocks with promotion banners and modules.
This responsive Joomla template is available with 5 color styles: Blue, Orange, Green, Cyan and Brown. Besides, it allows you to fully customize color schemes in back-end.
Powered by YT Shortcode, this magazine Joomla template comes with 65+ useful shortcodes that help you more powerful in building and customizing your site. You can easily build a various website content without much coding knowledge required.
The Joomla template is built with new web technologies: Bootstrap 3, Awesome Google Font, LESS, CSS3, HTML5 that make it more powerful and flexible.
- Compatible with IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
- Support RTL / LTR language
- Support Boxed, Wide, Framed and Rounded Layouts
- Support responsive layout
- Support Front-end Cpanel for changing Theme, Layout and Reset instantly
- Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
- Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu & CSS Menu
- Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
- Allow to set site title, logo and slogan
- Support many extensions: SJ Extra Slider for Content, SJ Grid Slider for K2, SJ Twitter Slider, SJ Stock Market, SJ Gallery Pro, SJ Instagram Gallery, SJ Newsletter Popup, SJ Flat Menu, SJ Content Related News, SJ Contact Ajax, YT Framework Plugin, YT Shortcodes Plugin, K2 Component, Acymailing Component
- Typography and various module variations
- Use Lazy Load for handling large images
- HTML5 Validation
- Support LESS, CSS
- 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
- Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
- Allow to show OR hide Main Content, with options for showing image types
Change Log
VERSION 3.9.0: Released on 07 Nov, 2018 - Update template for Joomla 3.9
VERSION 1.1.1 - Updated on Joomla 3.7: Released on 09 Oct, 2017 - Fixed bug: Responsive error in sj k2 gridslider module - Fixed bug: Responsive error in About page
VERSION 1.1.0: Released on 05 May, 2017 - Updated to Joomla 3.7.0
VERSION 1.0.0: Released on 17 January, 2017 - Initial release