Genmed is a modern, creative Medical Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Template. Genmed is perfect for any medical, hospital, health, clinic, medicine, surgeon, personal doctor website. Packed with high-quality 3 niche oriented homepages and 19 built-in awesome inner pages such as about, departments, department details, timetables appointments, multiple blog layouts, faq, doctors, doctor details, services, service details etc.
While designing Genmed we used Bootstrap 4. It’s 100% responsive that’s why it will work nicely on all smart devices(smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops). It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s why anyone can change it easily.
- Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin included (Save $16)
- Edit with page builder instead of hard coding Page builder (Save $150) Try Now
- Functioning powerful Ajax Contact Form with Secure validation (Save $10)
- 3 Homepage Variants
- Shop Pages Included
- Shop Details
- Bootstrap 4
- 20 HTML File include in the packages
- Build With CSS preprocessor SCSS
- Responsive
- Parallax effect
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Awesome Unique Look
- Unique effects and functionality
- Smooth transition effects
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Google font
- And Much More
Plugins & scripts
- modernizr.js detecting browser’s features
- jquery-3.4.1.min.js is a popular JavaScript library
- bootstrap.min.js is a stantard Twitter Bootstrap library
- respond.min.js is required for working Twitter Bootstrap v4 in older browsers
- html5shiv.min.js adds HTML5 compatibility for older browsers
- superfish.js is a script that enables a dropdown menu
- hoverIntent.js is a component for superfish menu
- jquery.flexslider-min.js is a jQuery plugin for the main and bottom sliders
- jquery.isotope.min.js is a jQuery plugin for filtrable gallery
- jquery.prettyPhoto.js is a jQuery plugin for displaying lightbox content
- jquery.ui.totop.js is a jQuery plugin for toTop button
- jquery.easing.1.3.js is a jQuery plugin for different types of animation
- jquery.scrollTo-min.js and jquery.localscroll-min.js needed for smooth single page navigation
- jquery.easypiechart.min.js is a jQuery plugin that uses the canvas element to render simple pie charts for single values
- jquery.jflickrfeed.min.js plugin makes it easy to pull Flickr feeds and display them on your site
- jquery.tweet.min.js plugin enables twitter widget on your site
- owl.carousel.min.js is a jQuery carousel plugin for “partners” section
- jquery.bxslider.min.js is a jQuery slider plugin
- jquery.nicescroll.min.js is a plugin used to replace browser’s standard scroll bar
- jquery.fractionslider.min.js is a great slider plugin for the main slider
- jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js is used for parallax backgrounds
- jquery.appear.js is used to determine whether the HTML element is inside the browser’s viewport
- jquery.scrollbar.min.js is a jQuery plugin for custom scrollbar
- bootstrap-progressbar.min.js is used for animating Twitter Bootstrap progressbars
- jquery.countTo.js is used for teasers with counter
- jquery.cookie.js is used for store cookies information in the template
- spectragram.min.js is used for Instagram feed
- jquery.countdown.min.js is used for Coming Soon page
- ion.rangeSlider.min.js is used for data range
- jquery.magnific-popup.min.js is used for image popups
- masonry.pkgd.min.js is used for gallery
fonts used
All fonts are free to use RobotoDocumentation
Note That, Images are only for demo purpose and not included into package