Gigaland is a responsive, pixel-perfect, and the most complete template for NFTS marketplace, crypto-collectibles, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites, and more. Gigaland has a lot of styles and elements to help you make beauty and modern website in no time. Gigaland is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap 5, CSS3 Animation, and more. With over 13 years of experience, we ensure you will always get top-notch products from us.
- Latest Bootstrap 5
- Latest jQuery 3.5
- Dark and light color scheme
- 11 homepages
- Total 80 pages
- Responsive layouts
- HTML 5 and CSS 3
- CSS 3 animation
- W3C valid HTML files
- Animated elements on scroll
- Particle effects
- Lightweight font icons
- PHP contact form
- Integrated with FontAwesome, ElegantFont and ET-LineFont
- Bootstrap components compatible
- Well and commented code
Gigaland 1.6.3
New added: collectible options page (light & grey)
New added: create single collectible page (light & grey)
New added: create multiple collectible page (light & grey)
Gigaland 1.6.2
New added: homepage 5 (light)
Gigaland 1.6.1
New added: share buttons for each nft item
New added: extra popup buttons for each nft item
Gigaland 1.6
New added: Gigaland Retro (14 pages)
Gigaland 1.5.8
New fields added to create pages (light, dark and grey). ‘Unlock once purchased’ and ‘Choose collection’
Gigaland 1.5.7
New added help center pages (light, dark and grey)
Gigaland 1.5.6
New added rankings pages (light, dark and grey)
Gigaland 1.5.5
New added to “live auction’ pages (light, dark and grey)
Gigaland 1.5.4
New added to “create” page: price method tab and datepicker
Fixes for navigation on small screens
Gigaland 1.5.3
New added: alternative explore pages (light, dark and grey)
Gigaland 1.5.2
New added: grey homepage 3
Gigaland 1.5.1
New added: grey homepage 2
Gigaland 1.5
New added: grey scheme pages (9 pages)
Some styling improvements
Gigaland 1.4
New added: wallet pages (light, dark and grey)
Gigaland 1.3
New added: grey homepage
New theme style added (de-grey.css)
Gigaland 1.2
New added: homepage 4 dark
New arrow navigation for carousel
Gigaland 1.1
New added: Homepage 4
New item carousel big
New scheme color
Gigaland 1.0.2
New added: “Create” page (light & dark)
New font styles
Some styling improvements
Gigaland 1.0.1
New added items carousel
New countdown styling
Latest Customer Reviews
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