Main Features:
- 4 Different template version
- 5 Different freemade color versions
- Twitter Bootstrap grid system
- Dynamic contact and hire forms with ajax
- Dinamic Behance portfolio using Behance API
- Dinamic Dribbble portfolio using Dribbble API
- Google web fonts used
- FontAwesome Fonticon
- Clean and SEO friendly codes
- HTML5 elements
- Latest CSS3 animations
- Latest jQuery plugins
Sources and Credit
- Google Web fonts
- Unsplash
- Bootstrap Framework
- Font Awesome Toolkit
- Animate.css Library
- jQuery Library
- jQueryUI
- Isotope Plugin
- CounterUp Plugin
- Magnific Popup Plugin
- StickyJS Plugin
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- Waypoints Plugin
- Owl Carousel Plugin
- Parallax Plugin
- Gogle Map
- Behance and Dribble API
Updates and changelogs
11 May18 19 (V - 1.3) - Dynamic contact form - Dynamic hire form 16 Jan 19 (V - 1.2) - Update some CSS 16 October 17 (V - 1.1) - Update Documentation - Add image logo markup 15 October 17 (V - 1.0) - Initial release
Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.