Leather is a Multi-Purpose Premium OpenCart Themes package. Comes with 10+ sub templates, unique & impressive designs for various shop types. Responsive and mobile friendly. Based on Bootstrap 3, the theme is W3C HTML5 and CSS3 compliance and strictly valid.
Many best designs include:
- Watches, Bags, Leathers and Accessories
- Kitchen tools, dining substances, cups, glass…
- Hightech devices, camera, lens, musical instrument, electric guitar.
- Elegant fashion shop, apparel, clothes, t-shirt
- Sunglasses, eyewear, fashion glass store
- Game, movie, art, fantasy, entertainment store
- Fashion accessories, handbags, bags store
- Drug store, medical store, healthy store
- Baby shop, kids and toys
- Special effect page scrolling store
- Opencart version 2.0.1.x
- Opencart version 2.0.2.x
- Opencart version 2.0.3.x
- Opencart version
Highlight Features:
- Mega Menu Module
- Adding custom menu with many type of drop down options:
- Specific Category with thumbnail and sub category with multi level
- Specific Product grid view
- Static block with free content and support multi language
- Grid view image and Manufacturers name
- Specific Information OpenCart page
- Configuration background image, show label, icon
- Show articles for dropdown
- Well Responsive and Mobile friendly
- Drag and Drop feature
- Support multi store
- Adding custom menu with many type of drop down options:
- Revolution Slideshow Slider module
- Showing beautiful slideshow image and caption
- Multi layer with multi effect
- Freely uploading image and custom caption
- Support Text, Image, Video caption
- Support Drag & drop slide, caption, multi language, multi store
- Search Autocomplete module
- Allows to search products quickly and easily for your customer by suggesting actual search results as customer types
- Ajax Quick Checkout module: quick checkout with one page checkout (onepagecheckout)
- Blog Module
- Including system modules useful for news, comments, tags, etc.
- Supporting Blog Categories, Blog Articles, Blog comment, tags, related articles, related products, RSS, friendly URL…
- Many modules for displaying in front-end such as: Blog categories, blog recent comment, recent posts, tag cloud
- Advanced Themes Manager
- Strongly custom color and font
- Two css mode: box and wide
- Configure header and footer easily
- Configure the number of products per row for category, manufacture, search, special page
- Configure menu type, effect
- Installing sample data
- And many other settings…
- Featured Products: Displaying Popular Products or Special Products or Bestselling Products or Latest Products or Category Products. Featured Products in content on front page. Supporting jQuery responsive slider. Strong configuration in admin. Over 20 variations
- Product Category module: Displaying Products by Category in content on frontpage. Displaying products by tab skin or accordion skin.
- Product Landing Page: Display list of products with background image in content on front page. Configure background image for each product. Showing zig-zag style without configuration.
- Special & Deal Products module: Displaying grid of products in content on front-page. Displaying countdown timer for special products.
- And much more…
Full Features:
- Using bootstrap 3.1.
- Fluid grid system 12 columns, optimized for all the most popular screen resolutions.
- Displaying classified products by alphabet letters.
- Module Boss Gallery display image in frontend.
- Module Boss Top Category show image, name, number of product, sub category.
- Showing icon Quick Shop for each product in the homepage and category page.
- Helping customer quickly view product details, select options and Add to cart.
- Adding Clound Zoom and LightBox effect in product details page.
- List and Grid Product displays.
- Showing popup message when add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare.
- Mini dropdown cart.
- Write a review and rating for each product.
- Related Product with slider effect.
- Configurable side column position left or right.
- Show tag cloud of boss tags cloud module.
- Quick filter product by boss manufacturer module.
- Vertical category with multi level.
- Supporting OCmod, vQmod.
- Supporting multi store.
- Supporting sticky menu, Animated effect.
- Supporting Testimonial module.
- Supporting RTL language.
Subject for: accessories fashion beauty store, bestselling popular decoration, blog multi purpose parallax, electronics high-tech computer, fullscreen slideshow popular, furniture interior house home, group deals coupon wholesale, mega menu bootstrap html5 css3, minimal clean bake decor vqmod, mobile rtl eyewear sunglass, responsive bakery food drink, revolution material design, superstore supermarket market
Community Support & Customer Support
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can create a new ticket here https://www.codespotsupport.com/others/, when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
Version 1.2 - 2015-12-02 - Revision 104: - Add new module Bulk Order - Add New Store: Supermarket - Fix some bugs Version 1.1 - 2015-10-28 - Revision 88: - Upgrade to opencart - Add new module Ajax Search - Add new module One Page Checkout Version 1.0 - 2015-10-05 - Revision 80: - Initial Release.
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