[Nulled] Noha - A modern Agency WordPress Theme for Creatives - 20119090 - Nulled Templates
Noha - A modern Agency WordPress Theme for Creatives - 20119090

Noha – A modern Agency WordPress Theme for Creatives – 20119090

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A modern and unique Agency / Studio Theme

Noha is a unique and modern Template for your creative professionals, Agencies, Studios with multiple use. We created a smooth and clean User Experience focusing on what mathers most, your brand and portfolio. Your visitors will be excatized by it simplicity.

Key Features

  • Valid HTML (w3c)
  • Responsive Design for all html pages
  • Background Video (youtube,vimeo + html5)
  • Retina ready
  • Multiple Portfolio layouts
  • Revolution Slider (included)
  • Parallax Background Effect
  • Google Fonts
  • Font Icons
  • Sortable Portfolio
  • Well organised css
  • Masonry Portfolio option
  • Contact page
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Lighbox included
  • Slider option
  • About Page
  • Cross Browser optimation
  • Mobile Menu
  • Smooth User Experience
  • Google map
  • Well documented
  • Premium Support

Images / Video Credits

* Images/Videos are not part of the download


Version 1.3.3

* FIX: js console error
* UPD: woocommerce templates 
* UPD: revolution slider 

Version 1.3.2

* UPD: woocommerce templates 
* UPD: revolution slider 
* UPD: wordpress 5.5 compatible 

Version 1.3.1

* FIX: <p> tag issue on pagebuilder (noha-core)
* FIX: Video hover start at 0
* FIX: loadmore/infinity for fullwidth grid (pagebuilder)
* OPT: compatible for loco translate
* UPD: woocommerce templates 
* UPD: revolution slider 
* UPD: wordpress 5.4 compatible 

Version 1.3

* New: vertical google map
* FIX: video lightcase autoplay
* FIX: Top spacing on blog page if pagebuilder was enabled (header.php)
* FIX: update language pot file
* OPTIMIZE: parallax workarounds for spacings
* OPTIMIZE: video bg sound workaround for new browser policy
* OPTIMIZE: Gutenberg / WordPress 5.0 Ready 
* UPDATE: WooCommerce templates 

Version 1.2.3

* FIX: include scripts dependencencies 
* FIX: localization translate for backend 
* FIX: portfolio 5 column option 
* FIX: php 7.2 compatible 
* FIX: Slider for blog posts
* FIX: Password protected post layout
* OPTIMIZE: hide vimeo buttons on bg video

Version 1.2.1

* FIX: page builder text/editor for WP 4.9
* FIX: correct carousel js include
* FIX: category center position on carousel slider caption
* UPDATE: woocommerce templates

Version 1.2

* FIX: Footer widgets (dynamic sidebar)
* FIX: center social media for team member if selected
* FIX: light case for load more
* FIX: back to works button on dark style
* FIX: load more bug
* OPTIMIZE: hide loading when its fully loaded (isotope load)

Version 1.1

* FIX: Filter above grid
* FIX: Error message missing ‚$‘ for page builder + loop-portfolio
* REFIX: custom header color from theme options for menu,…

Version 1.0

* Release