Elegant AJAX powered HTML5 template suitable for designers, photographers, creative agencies, production studios. Rhye would be a great start to showcase your portfolio with a slick premium touch. Smooth AJAX pages transitions and modern WebGL effects will make your website really stand out.
This is an HTML5 Template and NOT a WordPress Theme! You can get a WordPress version of Rhye here.
Rhye – is a premium creative portfolio HTML5 template. It’s crafted with modern minimalistic approach and content-oriented design. Thanks to GSAP 3, ThreeJS and Barba.js under the hood Rhye gives a new-level experience for your visitors.
1. AJAX Transitions
- AJAX infinite scrolling portfolio presentation.
- Unique page transitions based on a next page background color.
- Compatibility with ad tracking systems (Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Yandex Metrika).
- Easy expandable compatibility for 3rd-party plugins.
- Powered by Barba.js – a famous PJAX API
2. Smooth Motions Effects
- WebGL distortion transitions.
- Direction-aware fullscreen sliders.
- Mouse-trailing images effect.
- Reveal text animations.
- Smooth page scrolling plugin support.
- Parallax effects for images, backgrounds, elements.
- Interactive mouse cursor follower.
3. Fluid Typography & Spacing
- Smooth font size & margins scale based on the screen width.
- Easy to achieve consistent design spacing via CSS helper classes.
- Fancy sections offsets and overlaps.
- CSS vars for typography, spacing.
4. Dark & Light Style
- Pre-designed color themes per each page section
- Set of 13 dark & light templates for your case studies.
- CSS vars for colors customization
5. Essential Template Features
- SASS and JS source files included
- Powered by latest GSAP 3 and ThreeJS
- Fullscreen or classic menu with unilimited submenus.
- Stylish website preloader
- Fully responsive – deliver a great UX to your mobile visitors.
- Google Maps support.
- AJAX contact form included.
- Well documented – customize your website with a quick start guide
Related Items
- All the images you may have seen in the live preview are not included to the final purchase.
- This is an HTML5 Template and NOT a WordPress Theme!
- You need to use a web-server to make AJAX transitions and WebGL motion effects work properly.