[Nulled] Soho Hotel Booking Calendar - 5576098 - Nulled Templates
Soho Hotel Booking Calendar - 5576098

Soho Hotel Booking Calendar – 5576098

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Introducing Soho Hotel Booking 4.0 (Completely re-designed and developed)

Soho Hotel allows you to easily create a website which works for your hotel – receive and manage bookings, payments and guest queries with ease.

Main Features

  • Booking System: Accept online bookings and let your website earn money for your business
  • Multi Currency: Display prices in multiple currencies
  • Multi Language: A multi language plugin is included in the package allowing you to easily translate your website into as many languages as you want
  • Custom Colors: Easily customize the theme to any color scheme using the built in colorpicker options
  • WooCommerce Payments: WooCommerce support for payments allowing you to easily integrate many payment gateways
  • Multiple Room Rates: Charge different prices for the same room based on different packages, e.g. half board, full board, or whatever you want
  • Rate Variations: Offer discounts for longer stays, early booking, or last minute booking
  • Booking Conditions: Set rules for minimum / maximum stays, notice period, allowed check in and check out days
  • Guest Classes: Create as many custom guest classes as you want and charge a different price for each one, e.g. Adults, children, pets, babies, etc
  • Seasonal Pricing: Charge a different price based on the time of year
  • Additional Fees: Allow guests to add extras onto their booking, such as airport transfer, tours, breakfast, or whatever you want
  • iCal Syncing: Share booking data with other platforms where you list your rooms to avoid overbooking
  • Availability Calendar: Display block dates in a calendar
  • Custom Emails: Customize the confirmation email sent to guests when they book
  • Mobile Friendly: Looks great on any device


Top quality support comes as a standard feature when you purchase one of my items. I aim to respond to any support requests in less than 24 hours (usually a lot less) on business days – Mon – Fri.


= V4.0.7 - 24.01.2022 =
* Improved WooCommerce integration in booking process 

= V4.0.6 - 07.01.2022 =
* Fixed JS bug

= V4.0.5 - 30.11.2021 =
* Added more translation options

= V4.0.4 - 02.11.2021 =
* Added more translation options

= V4.0.3 - 26.10.2021 =
* Added more color customization options

= V4.0.2 - 13.10.2021 =
* Fixed booking plugin bugs
* Improved booking process on mobile devices

= V4.0.1 - 06.10.2021 =
* Fixed booking plugin bugs
* Added more color selection options

= V4.0 - 21.09.2021 =
* Major update
* Full re-design
* New booking system
* WooCommerce support added
* Custom multi-language translation plugin added

= V3.2.2 - 17.10.2019 =
* Further iCal support improvements

= V3.2.1 - 01.10.2019 =
* Improved iCal support

= V3.2 - 10.09.2019 =
* Added Stripe SCA support

= V3.1.4 - 28.08.2019 =
* Added custom booking form functionality

= V3.1.3 - 06.08.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs

= V3.1.2 - 04.08.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs

= V3.1.1 - 24.07.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs
* Added more documentation

= V3.1 - 18.07.2019 =
* Major update to the booking system, please refer to the documentation for details

= V3.0.3 - 04.01.2019 =
* Fixed booking step 4 display bug

= V3.0.2 - 02.01.2019 =
* Added Gutenberg support

= V3.0.1 - 28.12.2018 =
* Fixed photo gallery bug

= V3.0 - 10.12.2018 =
* Re-designed and developed all theme elements - this is a major update, please backup your website before updating

= V2.2.4 - 09.07.2018 =
* Improved hotel/category search filter for booking form

= V2.2.3 - 16.06.2018 =
* Added hotel/category search filter to booking form

= V2.2.2 - 24.05.2018 =
* Added improved iCal functionality

= V2.2.1 - 09.04.2018 =
* Accommodation single page booking form now selects the chosen room in the booking process automatically

= V2.2 - 02.04.2018 =
* Added improved datepicker
* Added live availability checker in datepicker

= V2.1.4 - 16.03.2018 =
* Booking confirmation email only sent after payment is made now
* Added improved support for iCal

= V2.1.3 - 02.03.2018 =
* Added improved room selection option in booking form

= V2.1.2 - 20.02.2018 =
* Added option to remove children from booking form

= V2.1.1 - 13.02.2018 =
* Added backend booking calendar

= V2.1 - 08.02.2018 =
* Added improved booking management interface

= V2.0.9.1 - 17.01.2018 =
* Added unique booking ID to confirmation emails
* Added manual booking confirmation option
* Added improved datepicker translation

= V2.0.9 - 13.11.2017 =
* Added iCal feed support so booking data can be synced with AirBNB and other platforms which support iCal

= V2.0.8 - 30.10.2017 =
* Improved import data

= V2.0.7 - 26.10.2017 =
* Fixed booking form bug

= V2.0.6 - 17.10.2017 =
* Added availability checking calendar
* Added option to disable payment gateways

= V2.0.5 - 12.10.2017 =
* Added date blocking tool

= V2.0.4 - 03.10.2017 =
* Added more booking form options

= V2.0.3 - 28.09.2017 =
* Fixed pricing bug

= V2.0.2 - 25.09.2017 =
* Added more color customization options

= V2.0.1 - 06.09.2017 =
* Added credit card payments using the Stripe payment gateway

= V2.0 - 05.09.2017 =
* Totally re-designed and developed theme and booking plugin
* Please note old theme data is not compatible with this update, you will need to manually import all data, please open a support ticket if you are unsure of anything: https://quitenicestuff.ticksy.com/

= V1.9.8 - 30.06.2016 =
* Updated Google Map API

= V1.9.7 - 17.12.2015 =
* Updated widgets

= V1.9.6 - 24.06.2015 =
* Added prettyPhoto security fix

= V1.9.5 - 24.04.2015 =
* Added TGM activation class security fix

= V1.9.4 - 27.08.2014 =
* Fixed bug with Google Map when placed inside jQuery tabs

= V1.9.3 - 16.06.2014 =
* Fixed minor booking system bugs

= V1.9.2 - 16.05.2014 =
* Updated to maintain compatibility with WPML

* Fixed "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" message appearing when saving accommodation, booking, blocked dates, coupon, and service in WordPress 3.9

= V1.9.1 - 25.04.2014 =
* Fixed calendar colour selection bug

= V1.9 - 12.04.2014 =
* Fixed homepage booking form CSS bug

= V1.8.9 - 28.03.2014 =
* Fixed booking step 1 calendar date bug

= V1.8.8 - 18.03.2014 =
* Fixed database inconsistency when all prices filters are deleted from an accommodation
* Fixed blocked dates blocking end date
* Fixed single day vacancy in live availability calendar unable to select checkout date
* Fixed custom CSS colors not being applied
* Fixed some theme options not saving when using WPML
* Fixed non-Western characters displaying incorrectly in booking details when MySQL < 5.5
* Fixed error messages appearing when loading archive index with WPML enabled and no posts of that language available
* Added WPML workaround when saving checkbox options
* Added booking manual confirmation
* Added per-person variable pricing
* Added per-person variable pricing in price filters
* Added services (amenities)
* Added accommodation surcharge
* Added tax calculation
* Updated translations in Bookings and Accommodations admin area
* Reinstated live availability calendars on single accommodation template and widgets
* Speeded up live availability calendar AJAX checks
* Minor admin UI fixes

= V1.8.7-1 - 03.03.2014 =
* Fixed booking step 1 calendar not showing dates beyond 6 months
* Fixed header image not showing when using a child theme

= V1.8.7 - 03.03.2014 =
* Fixed non-Western characters saving incorrectly in booking details
* Fixed homepage slider always making the last link active
* Fixed homepage slider autoplay setting
* Fixed Google map display when marker is empty
* Fixed button shortcode attributes
* Fixed events template month localization
* Fixed testimonials template pagination
* Fixed page background flash when loading with a custom background color
* Fixed homepage and accommodation image sliders pushing content down when images of different heights are used
* Fixed checkbox validation (e.g. Terms and Conditions) in Chrome on booking step 3
* Fixed prettyPhoto when gallery shortcode used multiple times on the same page
* Fixed calculation of lowest price on accommodations page
* Fixed pricing errors when switching pricing scheme without updating pricing data (accommodations will be set to "pending" status)
* Fixed repair accommodation maintenance task incorrectly deleting price filter data
* Fixed use of non-English characters in title of tab shortcode
* Fixed room remaining chosen if the user restarts the booking process
* Accommodations: Increased maximum "Number of rooms of this type available", "Maximum occupancy" 
* Plugin settings: Increased maximum "Maximum persons to show on booking form", "Minimum stay" 
* Added links to accommodations in booking step 2
* Added datepicker checkout minimum selectable date for homepage and booking widgets
* Added datepicker checkout minimum selectable date for booking admin, price filters, blocked dates
* Added customizable currency thousands and decimal separators ("QNS Booking > Payment > Payment settings")
* Added "Charge full amount" deposit type (removes all mentions of deposits in front-end)
* Minor admin UI fixes
* Minor front end UI fixes
* Updated translation file

= V1.8.6 - 30.01.2014 =
* Added setting to specify number of decimal places in currency ("QNS Booking > Payment > Currency decimal places")
* Added minimum stay requirement ("QNS Booking > General > Minimum stay")
* Added MySQL temporary table creation privilege check
* Added setting to hide booking system ("QNS Booking > General > Hide booking system")
* Added the capability to block rooms from being booked for specific days.  ("Bookings > Add blocked date")
* Added coupons
* Added Tripadvisor to social widget
* Changed first day of Datepicker calendar to Monday
* Single accommodation template now uses theme's "Main layout" setting ("Appearance > Theme options > Main layout")
* If "Hide booking system" setting is enabled, the single accommodation template will show the normal sidebar
* Fixed price formatting
* Fixed version numbering upgrade conflict
* Fixed font size in theme options screen
* Fixed calendar being unable to select dates when "Disable live availability check" setting is enabled
* Fixed calendar showing last day of month as available when bookings cross over it
* Fixed wrong room being selected in booking admin when using WPML
* Removed booking step 2 "other available rooms" list if the selected room is available and there are no other rooms
* Updated custom post type menu names for clarity
* Removed obsolete widgets
* Updated translation files

= V1.8.5 - 15.01.2014 =
* Fixed accordion shortcode display of content of different heights
* Fixed homepage testimonial slider not responding on first click
* Fixed Javascript effects (accordion, tabs) not loading when the plugin is disabled
* Fixed color scheme setting always reverting to 'Gold & Black'
* If the booking step 1 calendar live availability check is enabled, it will preload availability to decrease subsequent loading time
* Booking step 1 calendar live availability check now processes in 6-month blocks to reduce the number of requests
* "Room From:" now includes seasonal price filters when calculating lowest price
* Added height easing on homepage slideshow for images of different heights
* Added option to hide businesses on Google Maps ("Appearance > Theme Options > Contact Settings")
* Added currency decimal rounding setting ("QNS Booking > Payment > Currency decimal places")
* Updated language files

= V1.8.4 - 13.01.2014 =
* Fixed errors in user and admin emails when booking database is disabled
* Fixed Google maps HTTPS compatibility

= V1.8.3 - 10.01.2014 =
* Fixed seasonal price filter "To" field being uneditable beyond the current month
* Datepicker translations are now loaded in the admin accommodation and booking screens
* Fixed events ordering on homepage templates 4 and 5
* Fixed booking step 3 reservation form fields not being translatable via .po/.mo files/WPML
* Prevent booking posts from being displayed by the front end

= V1.8.2 - 09.01.2014 =
* Configured WPML to copy seasonal price filter fields to translated accommodations.  If you have more 10 seasonal price filters per accommodation, please add them to the <custom-fields> section of wpml-config.xml
* Fixed WPML being unable to translate booking step 3 form
* Fixed Google map shortcode CSS
* Minor UI fixes for seasonal price filters admin
* Fixed booking step 3 email validation
* Added mailto: links to email contacts
* Added [slideshow] shortcode
* Fixed responsive CSS for footer widgets

= V1.8.1 - 08.01.2014 =
* Calendars now show room availability
* Reverted booking step 3 "Address Line 2" to an optional field
* Added capability to have more than 3 seasonal pricing filters
* Fixed single accommodation template slideshow caption
* Fixed tabs responsive CSS

= V1.8.0 - 06.01.2014 =
* Added seasonal price filters to accommodations
* Added deposit method and deposit status memo fields to booking admin
* Added an option to place the currency symbol after the price (QNS Booking > Payment > Display currency symbol right of the price)
* The homepage booking form and reservation widgets now assume a single-room booking and will direct to step 2.  An option has been added to display a link to step 1 if desired (QNS Booking > General > Show multi-room link on booking widgets)
* The "Check Availability" button on the accommodation page will direct to step 1.  After step 1 is submitted, the selected room will be highlighted in step 2
* Fixed accommodations not being shown on booking step 2 when there are more than 10 different accommodations available
* Added uninstall script
* All emails are now handled by PHPMailer instead of wp_mail() for better compatibility
* Fixed jQuery compatibility
* Updated dashboard icons to use new WordPress icon font

= V1.7.2 - 20.12.2013 =
* Fixed WPML overbooking issue.  If you are using WPML, please go into QNS Booking > Maintenance and run the Repair Bookings task
* Fixed booking step 4 race condition that allowed overbooking
* Allow events to be sorted by event date, and allow past events to be hidden

= V1.7.1 - 16.12.2013 =
* Allow shortcode content to be placed above or below other content in the booking and accommodation pages
* Fixed Google Maps not showing in homepage blocks
* Fixed display of deposit in confirmation email
* Fixed responsive CSS for 4 columns shortcode

= V1.7.0 - 10.12.2013 =
* Fixed tabs on accommodations page
* Fixed "Quick edit" discarding booking data
* Additional deposit types can now be selected in QNS Booking > Payment
* Minor fixes to booking and accommodation editors
* Fixed default email message being displayed, but not actually set, in plugin settings
* Fixed default booking success message being displayed, but not actually set, in plugin settings
* Fixed plugin unable to save blank page IDs
* Modularized bed definitions
* Modularized "per person" and "per room" pricing schemes
* Modularized pricing scheme
* Added utilities class
* Added premium feature hooks

= V1.6.5 - 06.12.2013 =
* Fixed accommodation template fax field
* Flipped "More rooms" links on accommodations page
* Allow multiple Google maps to be displayed on the same page
* Allow multiple tabs containers on the same page

= V1.6.4 - 29.11.2013 =
* Fixed payment success page not showing the reservation details
* Additional translatable strings

= V1.6.3 - 26.11.2013 =
* Fixed overbooking issue
* Fixed extraneous settings being saved

= V1.6.2 - 22.11.2013 =
* Fixed step 1-2 validation loop when "Remove children from booking form" option is enabled
* Fixed localization of plural forms

= V1.6.1 - 20.11.2013 =
* Added availability checker to the booking admin.  It is now safe to add bookings via admin > Bookings > Add New
* Fixed deposit amount still being calculated in booking admin when all payment methods have been disabled

= V1.6.0 - 18.11.2013 =
* Added a setup prompt to automatically create and configure pages required by the plugin
* The Accommodation, Booking steps 1-4, Payment success/failure pages are now configured by their post IDs instead of URLs in the plugin settings.  The plugin will automatically upgrade these settings if set in a previous version
* To show translations of the above pages in WPML, the post IDs of the translated pages must be supplied instead of their URLs
* Fixed deposit amount still being calculated in booking admin when all payment methods have been disabled
* Fixed accommodation meta being zeroed out when saving using Quick Edit

= V1.5.5 - 15.11.2013 =
* Please read the updated documentation for using translations with the QNS Booking plugin, especially for Datepicker translations and installations using Codestyling Localization or Poedit
* Added localization template to plugin and changed the default names of the .mo/.po files to avoid confusion
* Fixed situation where Datepicker translations are not being loaded
* Fixed error messages appearing when all payment methods are disabled
* Added localization for booking form Javascript error messages.  Fixes Datepicker not showing on booking step 1 when the 'Check In' and 'Check Out' strings have been translated

= V1.5.4 - 13.11.2013 =
* Fixed booking confirmation emails being sent to the administrator instead of the email specified in the plugin

= V1.5.3 - 08.11.2013 =
* Room details such as size and view are now hidden on booking step 2 if they are not set
* Fixed language files not loading
* Allow deposit percentages over 100
* Added option to send emails by SMTP
* Using the reservation widget on the single accommodation template will now take the user directly to booking step 2, with the room highlighted

= V1.5.2 - 06.11.2013 =
* Fixed featured image not appearing in booking step 2

= V1.5.1 - 05.11.2013 =
* Fixed compatibility for web servers running PHP < 5.3.0

= V1.5.0 - 04.11.2013 =
* The QNS Booking options page has been reorganized for better usability
* The maximum number of persons to show on the booking form can now be configured
* The maximum number of rooms per booking can now be configured
* Added 2 additional date formats (MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD)
* Added bank transfer as a payment option
* Moved the "price per room" option from the QNS Booking options page to the Accommodation post

= V1.4.4 - 16.10.2013 =
* Fixed booking email name
* Added two thirds shortcode
* Improved photo gallery styling
* Improved WPML language switcher styling

= V1.4.3 - 11.10.2013 =
* Added booking ID to bookings
* Fixed undecoded HTML entities in email subject header
* Added option to change datepicker unavailable, available and selected colours in theme options

= V1.4.2 - 09.10.2013 =
* Fixed Google Maps Marker not displaying when its content contains line breaks or single quotes
* Fixed booking total price calculation when room price contains a thousands (,) separator
* Added a "Select Room" button on booking step 2 if accommodation has no bed set
* Fixed booking step 4 success message not being displayed
* Fixed translation issue with WPML

= V1.4.1 - 04.10.2013 =
* Added Instagram social icon
* Fixed RSS bug
* Made all JavaScript validation text translatable
* Added "Double Bed" option    
* Added "No. of Bedrooms" option

= V1.4 - 26.09.2013 =
* Fixed multi-room booking availability checker bug
* Added option to stop bookings being recorded in the database
* Added option to remove children from booking form

= V1.3.2 - 24.09.2013 =
* Fixed booking plugin availability checker bug which made the check out date of rooms unavailable
* Fixed datepicker z-index issue
* Added option to charge per room as opposed to just per person

= V1.3.1 - 21.09.2013 =
* Fixed Google map JavaScript error
* Fixed custom Google font error

= V1.3 - 18.09.2013 =
* Added Yelp Social Icon
* Added accommodation slideshow delete icon
* Fixed slideshow autoplay option
* Added language translation files for QNS Booking plugin

= V1.2 - 16.09.2013 =
* Fixed menu naming mistake

= V1.1 - 14.09.2013 =
* Fixed colour scheme selection not working
* Fixed custom datepicker colour issue
* Fixed Google Map marker content no displaying
* Fixed guest email not sending correctly

= V1.0 - 12.09.2013 =
* Initial Release