The current version is 2.9: Released on 2021.08.06
Click here to view full the changelog
SPRING is a beautiful, light and clean WordPress theme for gardening and houseplants, as well as landscape design and many more other areas related to flowers and plants.
SPRING comes with a lot of powerful options & features that help you build perfect online shopping website without touching any code line.
One-Click Install Demo Data – Easy to Get Started
We already build 22 Pre-homepage demos are available to get you started in seconds. Build website within a seconds as easily as never before. Import whole demo content, and set up your web site to look just like any of our demo examples in One Click Install Demo Data.
Responsive & Retina Ready
Every detail has been throughtfully refined and design to look sharp and crisp on retina-ready devices!
WooCommerce Compatible
SPRING has style WooCommerce pages and elements . You can bring your business online and sell things right away.
Included Premium Plugins
SPRING comes with premium WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress and Revolution Slider plugin ($54 total value, free!) that lets you effortlessly set up and organize your page layout and content.
Built-in Mega Menu
Smart SPRING Mega Menu help have beautiful drop down menus and also the ability to set the featured image of a post to have a parallax effect.
Smart Content Block
Create your specific layout by using WPBakery Page Builder and save it as Content Block, then you will be able to save tons of time in case you need to display it in Page Title, Top Drawer, Top Bar or Footer area.
Element Template
Allows you to save predefined sets of WPBakery Page Builder elements as a template and then reuse it when you’ll need it next time. Experience the legendary flexiblility of SPRING Theme!
Drag & Drop Content Builder
SPRING provides the best premium drag&drop builder plugin in the market – WPBakery Page Builderso you can create and customize your page contents easily.
Powerful Theme Option
Theme Options are logically positioned with full control and endless design combination allowing you access them effortlessly.
Unlimited Skins
Create unlimited skins and apply easily for each area by using Theme Options. It gives your website the professional look and feel you are truly looking for.
Tons of shortcodes and custom widgets
SPRING has not only included the core set of powerful features and option, but also tons of useful shortcodes and 9+ custom widgets that can be used in the sidebars, footer and page builder.
Sticky Sidebar
Use Sticky sidebar feature to have a visible sidebar that moves automatically when scroll down page.
Translation & RTL
Advanced Typography Options
You can change the overall typography just with some click such as font family, font size, font weight&style.
Child Theme Compatible
Don’t want to touch theme files in case of update? Right, we included child theme in case you need to modify code
Full Control of Colors
Choose accent color for your website and it will change sitewide. Also you can easily change colors of each area such as Top Bar, Header, Footer etc.
- 22+ Pre Homepages & Updating
- One Click Install Demo Data
- WooCommerce enable
- Responsive and Retina Ready
- 10+ Header layouts
- WPML Compatible (supported – NOT included in the theme)
- RTL Support
- Unlimited Fonts
- Footer, Blog and Shop Widget
- Typography selection
- Unlimited Sidebar & Colors
- WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (formerly WPBakery Page Builder) Worth $46 – included for FREE and Revolution Slider included for FREE (save $70)
- Customizable Mega Menu(XMENU) Built-In
- Sticky Header and Sidebar
- Smooth Scroll
- Comming Soon and 404 pages
- See our SPRING Live Demo to view all features
- View Documentation Online
- Translation Ready(po/mo files)
- In-depth documentation
- Custom favicon
- Built in with HTML5, CSS3 & LESS
- Advanced Custom CSS Ready
- Integrated Mailchimp Subscription
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Child Theme included to help you make the most out of it.
- and so much more!
Changelog & Update History
The current version is 2.9: Released on 2021.08.06
Click here to view full the changelog