[Nulled] The Simple - Business WordPress Theme - 18406495 - Nulled Templates

The Simple – Business WordPress Theme – 18406495

The Simple - Business WordPress Theme - 1 The Simple - Business WordPress Theme - 2 The Simple - Business WordPress Theme - 3

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The Simple - Business WordPress Theme - 12

The Simple Premium WordPress Theme is easy and modern at the same time. We say it’s multipurpose, and not like other themes, it we offer the possibility of creating websites for different niches: Simple Business

Corporate Websites

Agency Websites

Website for Applications

Parallax Website for photographers or product presentation

SEO Services Website

Minimal Websites for personal, blog and agency

Website for Startups

Personal Portfolio Website

Agency Portfolio Website

Studio Websites

Landing and One page websites

Minimal Portfolios

Full Screen Websites



Modern Blog

Institutional and Government Websites

Shop and E-commerce Websites …

-Setup Wizard

The Simple websites can be created with 3 simple click with an innovative installation setup wizard system. Setup Wizard can install dummy data and the required plugins automatically. After the installation is finished you have only to edit the content. No more problems with demo installations. You can select from infinite number of demos to install automatically without wasting your time anymore

-Customizability Theme Options

We are proud of the customizability of The Simple WordPress Theme. Like its name the theme is very easily to install and configure, also you will enjoy work with live customizer. Any customization can be made from WordPress native “Customizer” so you preview all the changes you made without need to refresh the page or change browser.

The Simple comes with this advanced and full option panel but very intuitive and friendly. You can change any part of theme styling without writing a line of code. You can check also how responsive is your website directly from the live preview.

-Page Builder

We use the modified version of the most popular and maintained page builder on the market Visual Composer by wpbakery. We have created our customized elements and added new options and features. So you can build any website with drag and drop in front-end with live preview or in the back-end.

Some of our extra elements added: Heading Styles

Lists Buttons

Icon Sets

Pricing Tables

Contact Form

Alert Boxes

Tabs & Accordions Skills Chart

Progress Bars

Animated Counters







Latest From Blog

Full Blog

Portfolio Elements

Testimonials Elements


WooCommerce Elements

Recent Products

Recent News


Services Small

Services Circle Icon

Services Boxes

Services Media

Services Text

Effect Image


Call To Action

Rows and Columns comes with different new options and features to extend the Visual Composer functionalities.

– Extensions

We have build in-house plugins to make the theme works perfectly without incompatibilities. So our library of plugins will extend in time. Also we have included with the theme for free the most popular premium plugins so you don’t have to spend a dime to use them. Our in house developed plugin are: Elle Custom Post Type, Staff Post Type, Testimonial Post Type, Faq Post Type that can be used to create the respective elements.

Elle Shortcodes

List of shortcodes that can be used on posts and pages with some customization options. Elle Post Likes

Plugin created for adding post likes in post blogs and portfolio.

Elle Slider

This is a simple slider created by our team to help users to create simple and beautiful sliders.

Revolution Slider

Revolution Slider is the most popular premium slider on the market. This slider comes for free included in theme so you don’t need to spend extra money to use it. Worth $19.

WPBakery Visual Composer

The most used and popular drag n drop page builder. Visual Composer is included within The Simple for free so you have only to use it. Worth $34.

LayerSlider WP

Is a premium multi-purpose slider for creating image galleries, content sliders, and mind-blowing slideshows with must-see effects, even from your WordPress posts and pages. Comes for free included in the theme. Worth $18

MailChimp List Subscribe Form

SoundCloud Shortcode

User Avatar

WP Retina 2x – Responsive The Simple can be accessed and looks perfectly on your PC, iMac, Mac Books, iPhone’s, Smartphones, iPads, any other mobile devices. So now days mobile device accessibility is the most important features for any website. We have created a simple and fully responsive WordPress Theme to be displayed perfectly to any user.

Responsive is important also for your Google Search Engine Ranking.

-28 + Predefined Home Pages

Predefined Home Pages ready to use. You only have to change content and images and your website will be ready.

-60 + Ready Pages

Predefined Page ready to use for your About us, Services, and Presentation Pages, Contact Us, Pricing List, Presentation Pages.

-Improved Performance

Our theme comes with an improved performance and works faster, load faster and smoothly. We have introduced new technology to make that possible. Asynchronous Javascript and Css loading. Minified script also make the theme lighter.


Navigation is important so we give you unlimited variations of it. We have built 12+ plus ready headers that can be customized to create unlimited new header styles. For example you can chose the Left Header Sidebar and begin to customize menu font-size, menu font-family, header background, adding different widgets etc. So you can get a new navigation.

-Mega Menu

The Simple theme comes with an Mega Menu built-in so you don’t need to install third party plugin to work with Mega Menus. Our system its fully compatible with WordPress core and easy so you can create Mega Menu in WordPress Menu settings.


We create a theme that can change the width of the page as you want. So you can create Boxed Layout Websites, Full Screen Websites, or with the exact width you want.


eCommerce today its one of the most profitable businesses, don’t be the last to grab this opportunity. If you have something to sell create any type of shop with The

Simple. You can create from the minimal shop to the most advanced one. WooCommerce its the most used plugin in the internet to create eCommerce plugin. The Simple fits perfectly with this plugin. We also have created predefined shop for you ready to use. You can manage every details of the Ecommerce business from Item Presentation to Payments Gateway. No more headaches everything is simple.

Check all other features

Change Log

Version 2.3.3
- Updated Revolution Slider, WPBakery, LayerSlider
- Minor bugs fixed

Version 2.3.2
- Updated Revolution Slider 

Version 2.3
- Update WooCommerce
- Added new demo - Gutenberg Blog
- Fixed: Minor bugs

Version 2.2
- Update Visual Composer
- Gutenberg Compatible
- WordPress 5.0
-  PHP 7.2 Compatible

Version 2.0
- Updated: Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider
- Fixed: Minor bugs

Version 1.4
- Updated: Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider
- Fixed: Compatibility for WP 4.9, PHP 7
- Optimized: Dummy data import

Version 1.3
- Updated: Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider
- Custom SIdebars 

- style.css
- plugins/
- sidebar.php


Version 1.2.2
- Updated: Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider
- Fixed testimonials carousel
- Fixed minor bugs


Version 1.2.1
- Compatible with WooCommerce 3.1.0
- Latest version of Visual Composer, Revolution Slider and Layer Slider included
- Fixed category selection for Staff, FAQ and Testimonial element
- Portfolio item slug fixed
- Fixed Columns Equal Height option
- Fixed Google analytics code
- Side responsive menu minor issue on ipad fixed 



Version 1.2
- Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.4
- Latest version of Visual Composer and Revolution Slider included
- Fullscreen blog effect fixed
- Portfolio slug fixed
- Added Favicon Option
- Minor bugs fixed



Version 1.1.2
- Fixed Recent Blog Responsive Issue
- style.css

Version 1.1.1
- Social Widget Issue Fixed
- Added One Page highlight
- Fixed Testimonial Responsive issue
- Removed by Default Images from Setup Wizard
- style.css
- includes/widgets/simple_socialwidget.php
- includes/register/register_styles.css.php
- /js -  folder
- /envato-setup - folder
- vc_templates/testimonial_carousel.php
- /vc_templates/latest_blog.php

Version 1.0.9
- Added New Content Block (Ready Built Content Block)
- Auto Update Added
- style.css
- functions.php
- /envato-market
- /includes/core/simple_required_plugins.php
- /plugins

Version 1.0.8
- Added New Pinterest Icon
- Fixed Responsive Issue
- Full Blog Element Fixed
- Fixed the Skills Element Issue
- Fixed CSS Issue
- /includes/core/simple_options.php
- /css/bootstrap-reponsive.css
- /css/woocommerce.css
- /vc_elements/home_blog.php
- functions.php
- functions-simple.php
- /js/simple-main.js
- /js/simple-animations.js
- /includes/register/register_styles.css
- style.css

Version 1.0.7
- Fixed Css Issue
- Javascript Issue
- Added missing icon to Visual Composer

<b> Version 1.0.6</b>
- Fixed Style Minor Bugs
- Sidebar Issue Fixed
- Responsive Issue Fixed
- Woocommerce Files Update
- styles.css
- /css/bootstrap-responsive.css
- woocommerce.php
- woocommerce.css
- /woocommerce/cart/cart.php
- /woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php
- /js/simple-main.js
- /includes/register/register_styles.css.php
- sidebar.php

<strong> Version 1.0.5 </strong>

- Fixed Minor Styling Issue
- Fixed Responsive Issue
- Fixed Top Navigation Issue
- Fixed Extra Navigation Isssue
- style.css
- css/bootstrap-responsive.css
- functions.php
- js/simple_main.js
- header.php
- vc_templates/vc_column.php

<strong> Version 1.0.4 </strong>
- Fixed Header Blog Menu Issue
- JavaScript Loading on Request (Improved Performance of the theme)
- Added Link Font color option
- Added Link on hover font color option
- Single Portfolio Title issue Fixed

- style.css
- header.php
- js/simple-animations.js
- js/simple-main.js
- functions.php
- includes/view/page_header.php
- /includes/core/simple_options.php
- /vc_templates/home_blog.php
- /vc_templates/countdown.php

<strong> Version 1.0.3</strong>
- Added Product Presentation Sliders
- Simple Business Header Fixed
- Revolution Slider (ajax error) Fixed Setup Wizard
- Footer Responsive Issue Fixed
- Home Blog Element issue Fixed

<strong> Version 1.0.2</strong>
- Fixed Dummy Data missing images
- Animation Fixed

<strong> Version 1.0.1</strong>
-Fixed Elle Shortcode Issue
-Fixed Dummy Data Default
-plugins folder