[Nulled] Vestige - Museum Responsive WordPress Theme - 12837512 - Nulled Templates
Vestige - Museum Responsive WordPress Theme - 12837512

Vestige – Museum Responsive WordPress Theme – 12837512


Vestige is a full functional WordPress Theme designed & developed for Museum, Events, Charity or Non Profit Websites and comes handy for Corporate Business Websites as well.

Current version 2.5 – See Change Log

How people using the Vestige theme

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  1. Twitter Bootstrap
  2. Slider Revolution Plugin (Worth $19)
  3. Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
  4. Grid / List views for Exhibitions, Venues, Events
  5. Multiple style Blog and Listing template
  6. Multiple Blog Styles Pages
  7. Multiple Gallery Styles Pages
  8. Full Width Agenda / Monthly Calendar
  9. Exhibitions/Events Details Page
  10. 3 Header Styles
  11. 12 Premade Color Schemes & Unlimited Color Options
  12. Working Contact Form
  13. Boxed & Wide Layouts
  14. Isotope Galleries ($25 value)
  15. Font Awesome Web-Font Icons
  16. 150 Line Icons Web-Font
  17. Multiple Slider Effects
  18. Google Fonts Support
  19. SEO Optimised
  20. Google Maps
  21. Touch/Swipe Support for Sliders
  22. Retina Ready & Fully Responsive
  23. Well Documented for Easy Editing
  24. Compatible With All Latest Browsers
  25. Responsive Sorting Gallery
  26. Latest Twitter Feeds Widget

Don’t forget to rate our template if you love using it


Support is provided through our dedicated Ticket System to all verified theme buyers. Register for the ticket system using your Envato account for quick access.


Twitter Bootstrap

Images from live preview are not included in the template.

Change Log

v2.8 – June 20, 2022
NEW! Option to hide year of date from event grid layout
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
UPDATED! Compatibility with WP version 6.x
UPDATED! Compatibility with PHP version 8.x
v2.7.1 – January 08, 2022
NEW! Option to show currency symbols in place of name for the event/exhibition ticket price
UPDATED! Exhibition archive templates
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
v2.7 – August 04, 2021
NEW! Page design options tabs
NEW! Option to choose different header per page
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
DEPRECATED! Instagram Widget
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.6.1 – March 28, 2021
NEW! Instagram Widget
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
FIXED! Revolution Slider not working for some users
v2.6 – February 09, 2021
IMPROVED! Mobile Menu
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
FIXED! Pagination discrepancies in artwork single pages
FIXED! Event registration form not getting redirected to PayPal
v2.5.1 – August 21, 2020
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
FIXED! Upload taxonomy image not working
v2.5 – August 14, 2020
UPDATED! Compatibility with WP version 5.5
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
v2.4 – June 09, 2020
NEW! Caption for artwork images slider
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
IMPROVED! Hover effects icons rendering
FIXED! Stored events not sorting as per chosen category
FIXED! Event/Exhibition single pages shows blank when print
FIXED! Users are able to click multiple times in event/exhibition registration
FIXED! Full size images not showing in lightbox for the events/exhibitions gallery images
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.3 – February 20, 2020
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Venue ID guide in venues list/grid page builder widget
UPDATED! Theme functions
UPDATED! Calendar json feed
UPDATED! Demo importer
REMOVED! Widgets warning for old users of Vestige theme
FIXED! Events without tickets also asking for its information while registering events
FIXED! Columns problem in gallery grid page builder widget
FIXED! Pagination in event taxonomy pages is not working properly
v2.2.2 – July 16, 2019
UPDATED! Vestige Core Plugin
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Demo Data
FIXED! An error while editing events in WP Dashboard
FIXED! Events/Exhibitions loading issue
FIXED! Events without tickets still asking users to select ticket while booking
FIXED! Few intval warnings
v2.2.1 – May 24, 2019
FIXED! Metaboxes not showing for post types
FIXED! Theme Options export/import not working
FIXED! Some styling issues 
v2.2 – May 23, 2019
NEW! Categories option for testimonials
UPDATED! Vestige Core plugin
FIXED! Some styling bugs 
v2.1 – November 15, 2018
UPDATED! WPML Config file
FIXED! A bug with functions.php when website is not using Woocommerce 
v2.0 – September 26, 2018
NEW! Vestige Dashboard to manage theme options, plugins, updates, demo importer all in one place
NEW! Vestige HTML Template (Worth $18)
NEW! Improved demo importer one click interface
NEW! GDPR Framework plugin added as recommended plugin
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin
UPDATED! Vestige Core plugin
IMPROVEMENT! Escaped all variables, escaped html from static strings
IMPROVEMENT! Custom post type to support pretty permalinks
FIXED! Missing fields for WPML string translations
FIXED! Warnings for custom widgets in PHP 7.1+
FIXED! Shortcodes used in page builder editor widget getting extra spacing br tags
FIXED! Option to disable page title not working
FIXED! Layout breaking problem with post list widget of page builder
FIXED! Some styling issues
v1.9.1 – April 21, 2018
NEW! Option to disable event scripts and styles from theme
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin
UPDATED! Header cart module to support live updates
FIXED! Broken gavatar image in author box on single posts page
FIXED! Search page URL in header search module
FIXED! Some date and time issues in event functionality
FIXED! Events sort not working in WP Dashboard events listing
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.9.1 – April 07, 2018
FIXED! A bug with the carousel view of events and exhibitions page builder widget
v1.9 – March 31, 2018
NEW! Option to use custom booking URL for Events and Exhibitions
NEW! Option to set background color and link colors for mobile menu
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin
FIXED! Widget title border is wrong when used in custom pojo sidebars
FIXED! Blank list item showing on single event when its all day event
FIXED! A bug with pages banner template
FIXED! Artists widget to show artists with out any artworks
FIXED! Some styling bugs
FIXED! A bug in Dashboard menu page for edit item block
v1.8.9 – January 26, 2018
NEW! Pagination added for the artists page builder widget
UPDATED! Revolution slider plugin
FIXED! When page banner is selected then color banner code needs to be removed first to use the image banner
FIXED! Event archive page pagination not working
FIXED! A bug with mega menu that is breaking the layout
FIXED! Some styling bugs
FIXED! Custom text and number colour for counter widget not working
FIXED! A bug with bulk installation and activation of plugins using TGM Class
FIXED! Some styling bug with demo importer
v1.8.8 – November 03, 2017
NEW! Price and dimension fields for artwork post types
UPDATED! Child theme
FIXED! WooCommerce pages are not working as expected
FIXED! Some styling Bugs
v1.8.7 – October 28, 2017
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin
UPDATED! Number of posts slider in page builder widgets
FIXED! PHP 7.1 problem on single event and events calendar page
FIXED! Yoast SEO plugin conflicting with custom editor field for venues, artists
FIXED! Pagination not working for events list/grid page builder widget
FIXED! Gallery slider next/prev arrows not working
FIXED! Title in magnetic and pretty photo lightbox were not showing
FIXED! Single artwork page image slider not showing featured image in it
v1.8.6 – June 22, 2017
UPDATED! Demo importer to support PHP 7.0
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin
UPDATED! Custom widgets to support PHP 7.0
v1.8.5 – May 22, 2017
NEW! Event/Exhibition manager email field to receive emails for the registrations
UPDATED! Main menu dropdown to open in left if not fitting the screen width
FIXED! Taxonomy(Venue/Artists) description fields not showing full editor when Yoast SEO plugin is active
FIXED! Events calendar not working with WPML
FIXED! WP 4.7.5 version update to fix repeated category/tags listed for custom post types (Vestige Core plugin updated)
FIXED! Pagination on event archive page is not working
v1.8.4 – May 04, 2017
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
UPDATED! Demo data
FIXED! Exhibitions order not correct when used single view
FIXED! event date bug in single-event.php
FIXED! Theme options fields not translatable with WPML
FIXED! Event ticket price not displaying on the ticket
FIXED! Sub menu title color/background not working for 2nd and 3rd level dropdowns
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.8.3 – February 07, 2017
NEW! Option to filter artworks on artists basis in Artworks Grid/List page builder widget
NEW! Added next previous nav for single artwork page
FIXED! Error on single event page
FIXED! Todays date showing when previewing event from WP Dashboard
FIXED! Event pagination rounding off number of events in events list widget list view 
v1.8.2 – January 26, 2017
NEW! Option to change order of events in Events List/Grid page builder widget
FIXED! Jetpack plugin conflict with theme’s Upcoming Events Widget for page builder
FIXED! Single event page showing undefined date when accessing it from the WP Dashboard
FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.8.1 – January 18, 2017
UPDATED! Revolution slider to latest version
UPDATED! Maximum venue show in venues page builder widget
FIXED! Event post type page header title not working from Theme Options
FIXED! Featured image for single event single page should be full size
FIXED! Custom list/grid widget URL not working
FIXED! Recent post widget date format not changing with date general settings
FIXED! Site origin image widget link is opening in magnetic popup
FIXED! Pinch zoom not working in android devices
FIXED! Gallery, Venue tab in event, exhibition single page not activate by default
FIXED! Event category banner image not working
FIXED! Exhibition category banner image not working
v1.8 – September 15, 2016
 NEW! Option to show exhibitions as single post instead of multiple instances
FIXED! Event/Exhibition registration form not showing error message when no ticket is selected
FIXED! Map is not showing center position for single event/exhibition view
FIXED! Styling issue when testimonial widget has 1 column layout
FIXED! Blank separator showing when no venue is selected for any event/exhibition
FIXED! Banner image for post category not working
FIXED! Calendar is not showing event category color
v1.7 – July 28, 2016
NEW! TripAdvisor and Email icon added for header/footer social icons
NEW! Widget for artists taxonomy
NEW! Taxonomy venue and artist description field converted to tinymce editor
NEW! Telephone field for staff posts
NEW! Option to include/exclude venues from the widget
NEW! Option to shuffle venues list/grid in widget
NEW! Field added for Google Maps API key at Theme Options
NEW! Option to change archive page titles in Theme Options > header > inner page header
UPDATED! Demo content
UPDATED! Meta Box Plugin
UPDATED! Redux Framework now comes from the WP Repository
FIXED! Pagination in event category/tag templates not working
FIXED! Exhibition time not going to email confirmation
FIXED! Shop main products page showing first product title in the header
FIXED! Header inconsistency on product category pages
FIXED! Search/cart blocks in header showing below logo in Chrome Browser
FIXED! Taxonomy banner/Venue Image delete option not working
v1.6.2 – July 07, 2016
NEW! Option to add custom registration popup content for events/exhibitions
UPDATED! Font Awesome to latest version
FIXED! Event start time is not working as 24 hours
v1.6.1 – July 02, 2016
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
FIXED! In email to registrant and administrator, the name and surname were without space
FIXED! Number of tickets were not getting updated for registrants
FIXED! Free event were not updating remaining tickets count
FIXED! Register button was initially saying proceed to Paypal, now it will show register
FIXED! Special characters in event/exhibition calendar was not showing properly
FIXED! Events/exhibitions on calendar were movable
FIXED! View details link in upcoming events widget taking to wrong URL
v1.6 – June 03, 2016
NEW! Page styling options added
NEW! Option to change logo background color at Theme Options > Logo
NEW! Search & Woocommerce cart option in menu
NEW! Magnetic Popup support for SiteOrigin Image widget
NEW! Google map added on Venue taxonomy detail page
UPDATED! Revolution Slider
UPDATED! Meta box plugin
FIXED! Venue taxonomy template not showing full content description
v1.5.1 – April 18, 2016
NEW! Single gallery post template
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to Latest Version
UPDATED! Google maps js library
FIXED! Lightbox option not working for some widgets and pages
v1.5 – March 30th, 2016
NEW! Menu Styling options at Theme Options > Menu
NEW! Option for title, title position and title color in Venue page builder widget
NEW! Typography option for Inner page title at Theme Options > Header > inner page header
NEW! Option to add page banner for taxonomies
NEW! Exhibitions List widget now have option to show past exhibitions
NEW! Option to choose if event will display till start time or end time
UPDATED! Vestige Core plugin to v1.2.1
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
FIXED! Page header title display option not working from Theme Options
FIXED! Custom page header height not working correctly
FIXED! Error message coming when adding new menu item
FIXED! Mega menu inside menu link attributes like class and target not working
FIXED! Color banner was showing default pattern image
FIXED! Upcoming exhibitions widget not working with category filtering
v1.4 – February 17th, 2016
NEW! Artwork Post type added
NEW! Artwork posts page builder widget, taxonomy pages added
NEW! RTL Languages support
NEW! Custom permalink option for event, exhibition, artwork and staff post types at Settings > Permalinks
NEW! Templates for event tags and exhibition tag added
NEW! Yelp icon for header footer social icons
NEW! Option to add links in Icon Box widget of theme
NEW! Header banner option for gallery and exhibition single pages
NEW! Default header image for artwork and exhibition archives
NEW! Single page template for team posts and option in its page builder widget to add links to team member name and thumbnail
NEW! Option to set default sidebar for pages, posts, staff, events, exhibitions, artworks
NEW! Homepage style 2 added
UPDATED!Theme options panel for more advanced customization options
UPDATED! Currency list for PayPal configuration at Theme Options
UPDATED! Font Awesome icons to latest version 4.5
UPDATED! Featured blocks widget now use vertical align center instead of line height for multiple lines of text support
UPDATED! Demo data updated
FIXED! Map not working for some users on single event and exhibition pages
FIXED! Calendar escaping special characters in URL
FIXED! Free events not working
FIXED! Events registration with 0 amount taking to PayPal website
FIXED! Upcoming exhibition widget showing static text ?Now Open?
FIXED! Grid columns not working in some widgets
FIXED! Pagination not working in event grid widget
FIXED! Default venue sidebar not working
FIXED! Category filter for exhibition list widget not working
FIXED! Escaped H3 tags were showing in search results page
FIXED! Some styling bugs
FIXED! Header style for buttons not working for Header Style 3
v1.3 – December 29th, 2015
FIXED! Event/Exhibition details page sometime shows current date instead of actual date
FIXED! Book Online button always showing even disabled from Event/Exhibition
FIXED! Available tickets should not be less than 0
FIXED! Quantity spelling mistake in singe-exhibition and single-event.php
FIXED! Event not calculating correct time event post type archive file included
v1.2 – November 21st, 2015
FIXED! Post list widget pagination not working
FIXED! Team list widget category selection not working
UPDATED! Vestige Core plugin
FIXED! Events list widget not working with category selection
FIXED! Issue with creating new time for exhibitions
v1.1 – November 17th, 2015
NEW! Paid events, exhibitions plugin
NEW! Event registration tickets
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
FIXED! Bug with pagination showing wrong number of pages
FIXED! Upcoming exhibition widget date bug
FIXED! Venue address not showing on single venue taxonomy page
FIXED! Event category not working for list grid event widget
FIXED! Category filters in event list widget is not working
FIXED! Demo importer issue when Redux plugin is been updated
FIXED! Child theme style issue for parent theme name
FIXED! Styling for title of carousel image widget
FIXED! Styling issue in grid event widget
FIXED! Gallery grid widget autoplay field is not getting blank
FIXED! Styling issues with animated counter widget
FIXED! Wrong header style images in theme options
FIXED! Google map not generating on venue tab on single pages
v1.0.1 – October 28th, 2015
 Fixed demo importer issue
v1.0 – September 29th, 2015
Initial Release