Youlink – Broadband & Internet HTML Template
Youlink – is fully responsive, unique & modern designed HTML Template.This HTML Template can be used for broadband internet services, satellite TV, Broadband, Online TV, Cable Television, Online Cinema and Movies, Voip, Wifi, Internet and TV store, Digital TV, Computer Networks, IPTV, Telecom company, CCTV and alternative Security, Networking Solution technology business. HTML Template is made by HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery which is very easy to easy to use and it can easily customize!.
To ensure that it meets your demanding requirements, we have tested our HTML Template to make sure it adapts itself to any device in which your users are viewing it, whether be it a laptop, mobile, or tablet!
Features Overview
Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
03 Home Page
Youlink template has nice and clean 4 home pages.
20+ Valid HTML5 Files :
Youlink template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards.
35+ Sections:
Create stunning Sections with different type design.
Touch Friendly:
Easy browsing on touch devices.
100% Fully Responsive:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Youlink template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
Sass :
Youlink template coded with sass
Full Features List
- Based on Bootstrap 5.x
- 100% Responsive
- Flat, modern and clean design.
- RTL Support
- Retina Ready.
- SEO on-page optimized.
- UX ready.
- Touch Friendly.
- Integrated google maps..
- Typography
- W3C Validate Code
- Fixed Menu
- Full UI Kit elements with lots of features
- Clean and commented code
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- 03+ Home Pages
- 02+ Blog Pages
- 20+ Total Pages
- Image background
- Smooth Transition Effects
- All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
- Font Awesome
- HTML & CSS & JS files are included
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Detailed documentation
What you get?
- Html files
- Supporting css, js & other files
- Documentation
Fonts Used
- Google Fonts
Icons Used
- Uicons
- Font Awesome (Icons)
- SVG Icons
Sources and Credits
Image Credits
Please Note:
- All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the html templates and no included in the final purchase files.
Change Log
22 June 2023 & Version 1.0.1
- 1. Responsive Issue Fixed
19 May 2023 & Version 1.0.0
- 1. Initial Released Youlink